Sunday, July 03, 2005

The Truth Is Not Politically Correct

I wrote this note to a personal friend who is a Sidha (practicing the advanced version of Transcendental Meditation). I thought others may gain from the perspective I presented. The note was in response to some spiritual oriented sites she had emailed me. These sites were by the followers of some of the most well-respected philosophers and Yogi's in the past 100 years. Here's what I said:

This isn't directly related to what you said, but with the recent changes that Maharishi (Mahesh Yogi) has implemented I have had reason to field some misunderstandings among the Sidha/Governor group.

Because of my father's politico/spiritual involvements I have had access to many of the greatest thinkers and those who study them (from an Indian perspective).

Yes, you are right, many people have said the same thing that Maharishi says, but that is where they stop. They don't have the technique to transcend, much less, create waves in the absolute that produce tangible results (the Sidhi program). All the Vedic masters in recent times have very good book knowledge but the VAST majority have, at best, a fleeting glimpse of the experience of transcendence.

I am not clear on why people such as you don't understand, through their own experience, that what we have is far superior to anything offered by anyone else on this planet.

Yes, beautiful words are nice to read, but the experiences we have on any given day could fill volumes of books such as those written by modern thinkers.

Maharishi has been so intently focused on the "highest first" goal that, in my opinion, he has neglected to help people understand the value of their own experiences.

I don't know if you took the first Veda In The Physiology course or not. Most people that took it consider it to be so basic that it was practically a waste of time. The people that I know who took the course are long time Sidha's and Governors. Do you realize that even that level of experience is not available to ANY of the other followers of the many gurus in the world today? If you don't realize it, it is worth considering.

The basic experience of transcendence that we take for granted is something others would give their life for, just to be able to experience it once! This is the history of the world. People have done all kinds of amazing things in an effort to gain that simple experience that we take for granted.

If you talk to ANYONE, and I mean ANYONE of the modern day gurus they will categorically say that the experience of transcendence is very difficult, if not impossible for anyone but those who dedicate their lives to a full time pursuit of the goal.

I have met so many full timers who dream of the experience. These people are not slackers by any stretch of the imanigation. The people I am talking about are scholars. They are authorities on the Vedas through family tradition and learning.

The experience we have on a daily basis is the goal of their life. When we talk of being established in the transcendental field 24 hours a day, that is absolutely beyond their imagination. They chase one siddhi after another, using various techniques. Sometimes they are successful in getting some minor results and that becomes their claim to fame for the rest of their life.

I have seen many such people. They keep telling people of their experience over and over again with various embellishments throughout their lives.

What we experience, on a daily basis, with the Sidhi program is so far beyond their conception that it can't even be discussed.

I have no intention of diminishing the value of anyone's spiritual knowledge or experiences, but I do want to put into perspective that what we have, and often take for granted, is really special by any yardstick.



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