Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Visions Of Divine Flowers

My parents named me Neeraj. Neeraj was a famous poet in India. My dad is a poet. When he was a teenager him and his friends participated in public poetry readings and competitions. Poetry was a deep love in his life. Neeraj was his favourite poet. The idea of my name emerged from the deepest feelings of my father. My name is Neeraj.

My relationship with my name has been formed in a foreign country. English is the common language here. Literally, my name means lotus flower. Whenever someone asked what my name meant I told them it meant lotus flower. I usually got a giggle. A boy / man named after a flower...that's funny! (No they didn't actually say that, but that's what I understood from the giggle).

A lotus flower, in the Hindu religion, is the seat of Vishnu and Luxmi. They are also said to exist in the physiology of human beings where the chakras are located. There are seven chakras in the body. The lowest one starts at the base of the spine and has four petals. The highest one is at the top of the head and has one thousand petals. This is the explanation given in the books.

In reality, these flowers are divine in nature. They are not made of hard, physical matter. They are made of some sort of etherial material which serves as a connection between the physical body and the divine.

When these flowers are cognized in a person's consciousness, they are actually dynamic and full of life. They are actully not static flowers. As life energies converge at that connecting point between the physical and non-physical, the interaction of various forces is appears to be a flower. These flowers are different colours at each chakra.

At the top of the head, the "thousand-petaled-lotus" is predominantly pink in colour. It is activated when a person is fully enlightented. When John The Baptist initiated Jesus, Jesus said "my cup runneth over". This has been interpreted in many ways by the religious but Jesus was actually describing an experience he was having.

When the top chakra is activated the flower turns from facing downwards to facing upwards. The highest divine energies fill up the lotus flower (cup). These energies are absorbed into the body through the spinal column. All the chakras are fully active at this time. The top chakra fills up and the energies overflow into the body and the surroundings.

When all of the highest divine energies are absorbed into the body, the body goes through a chemical transformation. Every cell of the body changes from being physical to being divine. This is known as being reborn in the light of the Christ. This is a real Christian. Everything else is just pretending. This is why Jesus said "I am the light and the life". This is why being Christian is the only way to salvation. In reality, this transformation from the physical to the divine is not related to religion at all (but if it makes religious people happy to think so, I am o.k. with it).

This is when the person gains an eternal place in heaven. A person who has not gone through this kind of transformation, from physical to divine, will not gain an eternal place in heaven. Being baptised and becoming Christian are actually referring to this process. People have taken it as symbolic but the experience is overwhelming and all-encompassing. It is very real. There is nothing symbolic about it. Being a born-again Christian is the highest achievement in a human being's life. All religions talk about it. None of them are able to achieve it. In my opinion, any religion that can't deliver on this most fundamental goal doesn't deserve to exist. It is time to move on from religion to reality. Religions are no longer on the spiritual path...none of them!

In the Hindu religion this is referred to as "Dwij" - "Twice born". According to the plan of life, a person goes through a tutoring process until the age of 25. Through various means the person gains knowledge, strengthens his/her mind and body and gets married at the age of 25. This is the age when a person is supposed to get married.

The marriage ceremony is the final step in becoming a "Dwij". Traditionally, it is an eight day process where both the man and woman become one with each other and with the universe. They undergo the final transformation from being physical to being divine. Divine energies are powerfully radiated into the surroundings. Everyone is blessed. Everyone's wishes are fulfilled. There is happiness everywhere. This why, traditionally, lots of people like to go to weddings and there is so much joy and celebration around weddings...it is a chance to have all your desires fulfilled. Of course, this whole process is virtually unknown in the modern age. What remains today is symbolic. Instead of getting drunk on divine essence, people now get drunk on alchoholic beverages.

The divine lotus flower is associated with the greatest achievement of human beings and the most joyful and fulfilling celebration in society.

A couple of years ago I had a feeling that I was surrounded by a pink light. Whenever I tried to pay attention to it, it disappeared. I also felt that there was a pink lotus flower present, with the petals half-closed. Whenever I noticed it I felt a deep, gentle warmth and profound love. It was a delicate and refreshing experience.

One day it dawned on me that this was actually a manifestation of Vishnu. This time I was able to put my attention on the experience. I confirmed that this was Vishnu, the highest of Gods. I took it as a blessing. Since then the experience has always been within reach for me. I am thankful.

My name is Neeraj. It has been a source of embarassment from time to time. However that was a sad mistake. I now realize that I have a divine name. It comes out of the deepest love of my parents and merges into the divine blessings of Vishnu. My name is a vision of the divine lotus flower.


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